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How to Setup a Named Constant in Microsoft Excel

1) Click on the Define Name button on the Formulas Tab 2) In the New Name dialog box enter the N ame of your value, in our example it...


Excel Named Ranges Advance Features

1. You can set Non-contiguous Named Range s by holding down the CTRL key while you highlight the cells you want to name. 2. Set Dynamic Na...


Excel Named Ranges Rules

There are 7 Named Range Rules that we'll be tackling in this tutorial. 1) You can set a Named Range to have the scope of a single ...


Using Named Ranges in Excel 2007

Named Ranges in Excel enable you to give one, or a group of cells a name other than the default B4 for a single cell, or B2:E20 for a range...


Remove and Replace All Characters in Microsoft Excel using VBA

The following FindandReplace() funciton allows you to replace or remove specific text and characters you want in Microsoft Excel. Just copy...


How to Get the Count of Filtered Sets of Data Rows in Excel using VBA

The following function below allows you to get the number of visible rows from a filtered sets of rows in Excel using VBA. The function t...


How to Copy Only the Visible Rows of a Filtered Data in Excel using VBA

You might be working on a project where you need to filter sets of data and create a raw data of that filtered sets of data to a new shee...

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