How to Get the Addresses of Visible Rows from a Filtered Data in Excel using VBA
The following function allows you to get the Address of each visible rows from a filtered sets of data in Excel using VBA. [ VBA ] Dim Fi...
The following function allows you to get the Address of each visible rows from a filtered sets of data in Excel using VBA.
To use the above function, you can assigned the following macro to a button or shape.
And you can see the output in the Immediate window as shown below.
Dim FilteredRows as Variant Public Function GetFilteredRows(Optional ByVal RowPrefixed As Boolean) Dim Rng As Range, rngF As Range, rngVal As Range 'Ranges Dim val As Variant 'Range Value Dim i As Integer 'Counter Dim lRow as long 'Last Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets("Raw Data").Select lRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) 'Set the range of all visible cells of the filtered data Set rngF = Range("A2", Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, _ Range("A2").Column)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) For Each Rng In Range("$A2:$A$" & lRow) If Not Intersect(Rng, rngF) Is Nothing Then If rngVal Is Nothing Then Set rngVal = Rng Else Set rngVal = Union(rngVal, Rng) End If If rngVal.Cells.Count = lRow Then Exit For End If Next Rng 'Resize array variable ReDim FilteredRows(0 To Application.CountA(rngVal)) As Variant For Each val In rngVal If RowPrefixed = True Then FilteredRows(i) = val.Address Else FilteredRows(i) = Split(val.Address, "$")(2) End If Debug.Print val.Address & " - " & Split(val.Address, "$")(2) i = i + 1 Next val Debug.Print rngVal.Address Applicaiton.ScreenUpdating = True End Function
To use the above function, you can assigned the following macro to a button or shape.
Sub SetFilter() Call GetFilteredRows(True) End Sub
And you can see the output in the Immediate window as shown below.